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Kennedy Point Maritime School

Cocoa-Beach, Florida USA

Rated 5/5 by 1 student
Kennedy Point Maritime School is a vocational training school for mariners seeking to advance their professional maritime qualifications. We focus on providing affordable high-quality training so that our students gain the technical knowledge, vocational skills, and practical experience. If you are wanting your USCG Captain License, you have come to the right place. If you are looking to start a NauticEd sailing school and need the credentials, we can get you started properly and meeting the legal requirements.

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Mark Antokas

Rated 5/5 by 2 students
  • Level V Skipper Rank Qualified Instructor/Assessor
Learn to sail on sailing Vessels 24-43 feet on the Indian and Banana Rivers, as well as the Atlantic Ocean out of Port Canaveral Florida. This area has it all. Experience the ICW, including Drawbr ...
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  • Level 0 Crew Rank Chief Instructor/Assessor
the fastest way to become a good sailor in a short period of time is to take sailing lessons. I have 20 years of experience sailing and coastal cruising.
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Take online theory sailing courses with NauticEd, then use our skilled in-house sailing instructors to gain practical sailing experience and confidence. Once you pass the courses and practical training, you'll be awarded with a NauticEd Sailing Certification with Verified Practical Competency.

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