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Cruise-n-Learn Sailing International

Anacortes, Washington USA

Cruise-n-Learn Sailing International - One-of-a-kind, 12-month, Sailing Immersion Program. - 1-week cruise and learn sailing bareboat charter master course, Pacifc NW or Sea of Cortez. - Monohull or Catamaran Sailing Certifications - Couples/family focused, 1-week cruise and learn sailing courses. - Private and customized Sailing courses. - On-water practical competency Assessments - SLC Assessments Sail with us in the Pacific NW, British Columbia, Sea of Cortez and world-wide

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  • Level V Captain Rank Chief Instructor/Assessor
  • American National Standards Instructor/Assessor
  • SLC Instructor/Assessor
  • NauticEd System Knowledge Expert
  • Transformational Instructor Course Graduate
John Ensley has been sailing since he was 11 years old (he was 11 in 1980) and has been sharing his knowledge, experience and passion for sailing and cruising as a professional sailing instructor ...
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Take online theory sailing courses with NauticEd, then use our skilled in-house sailing instructors to gain practical sailing experience and confidence. Once you pass the courses and practical training, you'll be awarded with a NauticEd Sailing Certification with Verified Practical Competency.

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