Each charter destination varies as to government or Port Authority requirements. While a sailing license is required in some designations, what is definite, however, is that every location requires an adequate sailing resume to bareboat skipper a boat on charter. A sailing certification as a stand-alone document is simply not sufficient.
Required or not, it is prudent to gain the proper education and skills to bareboat charter. For this reason, NauticEd offers the SLC, a global sailing license that contains all the necessary elements to be legally licensed as well as competent. Start your SLC licensing process now. Purchase the required Bareboat Charter Master bundle of courses now.
Some terminology:
- A sailing certification is an acknowledgement and indication that the student has done some degree of training but it does not necessarily confer status of competence.
- A sailing license is not a certification; a license is an official document issued by a government recognized sailing body.
- A sailing resume documents any and all of your on-the-water sailing experience, any formal instructor training, and your theory knowledge.
Let’s go through the various charter destination requirements to discover how NauticEd can help you qualify to charter.
All Mediterranean destinations require a sailing license and an adequate sailing resume.
No sailing license or certification is required in the Caribbean, BUT you must have an adequate sailing resume.
No sailing license or certification is required in the Pacific regions such as French Polynesia, Australia, New Zealand or Tonga, BUT you must have an adequate sailing resume.
A rubber stamp license is required in Belize; this is organized by the charter company. In addition, you must have an adequate sailing resume.
The Seychelles require a sailing license and an adequate sailing resume.
No sailing license or certification is required in Asia. However, stay tuned-- some Asian countries are changing their requirements. You must have an adequate sailing resume.
How do I Gain a Sailing License?
There are two main government recognized sailing bodies who can issue a sailing license.
- NauticEd: Issues the SLC (Sailing License and Credentials).
- Royal Yachting Association (RYA): Issues the ICC (International Certificate of Competence).
NauticEd is the only USA sailing education body that is Coast Guard approved for administering sailing education and training that meets the American National Standards EDU-3. NauticEd holds very high standards for issuing its SLC license. The SLC is easy to get if and only if you know your stuff. For more details, see www.nauticed.org/SLC.
The ICC, another globally recognized sailing license, was created by United Nations under Resolution 40. NauticEd can facilitate you obtaining the ICC through our affiliation with the RYA. The ICC requires an on-the-water assessment; North American locations are limited, however, to Fort Lauderdale, Toronto, and Halifax. For details on gaining the ICC see here.
How do I Gain an Adequate Sailing Resume to Charter?
A charter company often determines competency by review of the charterer’s sailing resume, regardless of certifications or licenses. . A sailing resume describes your practical on-the-water sailing experience, your sailing knowledge education, any formalized training, and any skills assessments. NauticEd offers free sophisticated online software that will automatically generate a sailing resume and keep it in the cloud for you forever. See here for a detailed description of what defines an adequate resume for charter.
Why is a Sailing Certification Not Sufficient?
A sailing certification is different than a sailing license. No yacht charter company or Port Authority accepts a sailing certification as a stand-alone document verifying the competence of the Charterer. This is because of too many rubber-stamp-certifying bodies issuing such certifications without a real assessment of competence. There are no real zero-to-hero 7-day charter ready programs. While a certification is encouraged, a sailing certification is really an acknowledgement and indication that the student has done some degree of training, but it does not confer status of competence.
Get started now by purchasing the required Bareboat Charter Master bundle of courses now.