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South Wind Sailing

Panama-City, Florida USA

Rated 4.87/5 by 3 students
South Wind Sailing offers practical, exciting, hands-on sailing training from Introduction to Sailing through Advanced Coastal Cruising aboard a variety of vessels. Training is offered throughout the Florida Panhandle and Southern Alabama in the Gulf of Mexico as well as upon numerous local freshwater lakes.

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Dan Mason

Rated 4.87/5 by 3 students
  • Level V Bareboat Charter Master Rank Chief Instructor/Assessor
My approach to sailing education is very simple. I am thoroughly in love with the sport and want to share it with as many people as possible.
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Take online theory sailing courses with NauticEd, then use our skilled in-house sailing instructors to gain practical sailing experience and confidence. Once you pass the courses and practical training, you'll be awarded with a NauticEd Sailing Certification with Verified Practical Competency.

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