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Georgian Bay Sailing Coach

Thornbury Ontario Canada

Rated 4.82/5 by 12 students
Welcome to Georgian Bay Sailing Coach, located in the pristine Georgian Bay and its 30,000 islands. What I do as a Coach is a bit different from an instructor teaching a rigid curriculum. Our several modules are flexible and adaptable because we listen to our student's needs. We talk more about Confidence, Anxiety, Communication or Dreams than "sailing by the lee" or "velocity made good". "Add Sailing To Your Bucket List". Book your practical hands-on training on the water

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Jean-loup Dalle

Student Star Rated
Rated 4.82/5 by 12 students
  • Level V Captain Rank Chief Instructor/Assessor
My style of coaching is very relaxed and the emphasis is on enjoyment at a slow pace. I am looking forward to being your coach.
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Take online theory sailing courses with NauticEd, then use our skilled in-house sailing instructors to gain practical sailing experience and confidence. Once you pass the courses and practical training, you'll be awarded with a NauticEd Sailing Certification with Verified Practical Competency.

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