Elevate your sailing instruction with the Transformational Instructor Course by NauticEd! Developed by expert trainers, including Marine Top Gun and Navy SEAL Instructors, this comprehensive program equips sailing instructors with essential leadership and management skills. From effective communication to risk management strategies, this course empowers educators to guide students to success. Whether you're a seasoned instructor or new to teaching, join us on a transformative journey to become a more effective and confident educator in the sailing industry. Enroll today and unlock your potential!
The Transformational Instructor Course by NauticEd is designed to empower sailing instructors with the necessary skills to handle a full range of student challenges. This comprehensive course is written by leadership and training experts, including Navy Top Gun Instructor Trainers and Navy SEAL Instructor Trainers, representing a significant investment in the professional training of NauticEd instructors.
With a focus on leadership, management, and followership skills, the Transformational Instructor Course aims to ensure that NauticEd's frontline instructors and assessors are exceptional, capable of guiding students towards competence and success.
This course is designed for sailing instructors looking to take their teaching skills to the next level, and covers a wide range of topics, including effective communication, student motivation, risk management, and leadership strategies.
So if you're an aspiring or experienced sailing instructor looking to enhance your teaching skills, enroll in the Transformational Instructor Course today and become a more effective and confident educator in the sailing industry. Join Navy Seal Instructor Trainer Commander Larry Yatch and Navy Top Gun Instructor Trainer Lt. Col. Edward O'Connor as they lead you an amazing growth journey you never would have expected.
All NauticEd Instructors that have taken this course are awarded the Transformational Instructor badge shown here on their profile. Look for the badge when searching out an instructor to suit your needs.
Outstanding course! Great leadership and management training with direct practical application to the sail training environment.
2024, 07 Mar. 09:11
Michael P.
2023, 11 Dec. 19:02
Excellent course the will help upon in all aspects of your personal and professional life. Links well with evaluating personally type, characteristics and dealing with crew and students on a sailboat.
Bill I.
2023, 24 Nov. 17:19
Highly trained and skilled instructors.
Jeff H.
2023, 20 Nov. 06:44
I was very impressed. I use many of these techniques already, and I learned a couple of things I intend to incorporate into my teaching
Geo U.
2023, 18 Apr. 21:53
This was one of the best courses I have ever seen. The content was superb and the delivery by the instructors fantastic. This really has the potential to revolutionize sailing training and the joy that sailors experience on the water. I have seen a lot in my 30 years of sailing and a lot of negative things that have happened could have been eliminated by folks obtaining this competency.
Paul B.
2023, 27 Mar. 20:53
Reminds you to be open to becoming a better instructor by being a receptive listener. All students are different, knowing how they learn best will help both instructor and student be successful
Hugh Texas M.
2022, 05 Aug. 21:57
Fun and often funny explaination of leadership traits and how to be an effective leader in an instructional role.
Amanda S.
2022, 24 Jul. 07:32
Real life situations to compare leadership and management
Thomas H.
2022, 13 Jun. 21:30
This course really made me reflect on how these tools apply to sailing instruction, and life in general. The main takeaway is the incredibly powerful concept of teaching a sailing class in the context of not just "learning how to sail", but by creating a competent, empowerment-centric team on a sailboat, you've got a positive formula for successful, safe, and enjoyable sailing.
Rene N.
2022, 31 May. 05:41
As an ex-army officer, I can recognize the terminology and theory behind the presented concepts.
Jim w.
2022, 01 May. 20:25
This course was super. Instructors had soo much experience. I really learned a lot and enjoyed the material.
Hi, and thanks for joining in to be part of the NauticEd frontline team. Below is an introduction video to The Transformational Instructor training program. This course is designed to give you the tools and skills to be an exceptional team leader, team manager, and team follower, and to help you identify which role you need to be in at the appropriate times.
As you saw in the introduction video, we at NauticEd have a very serious committment to not only sailing and boating in of itself but to industry instructor training. We beleive that you are the front lines to making sailing and boating an enjoyable recreational activity. That enjoyment comes from the leadership training and people management training you are about to receive. As you'll learn from Commander Larry Yatch and Lt. Col Edward O'Connor, you're not only charged with teaching how to sail but you will be also be teaching how to be a good skipper of a boat. With that statement, you'll actually be teaching some of the leaderships skills and people management skills presented here. As you know, a good skipper is not just a good sailor but is a good leader.
But first, you'd agree that learning from the absolute best of the best is going to make you personally more effective - so that you show up as the best version of yourself every day - and that nothing will rattle your cage. You'll learn from Ed how to handle each personality type. You'll learn from Larry how to bring it all together as part of a team.
Both Larry and Ed are the best of the best. You don't get to lead a special forces operation without the skills to do the mission and the skills to train for the mission. You don't get to be Top Gun with out the skills to master the vessel and you don't get to train Top Gun pilots with out being the best trainer.
Through this course, NauticEd has made a huge investment in you and the sailing industry. Please then, take your time in going through this course.
This course is not to be knocked out just to tick the "done it" box. This course represents the single largest investment any company has ever made in proper professional sailing and boating instructor training. Please take the time to watch the videos all the way through with your fullest attention - this is for you!
Just like you want your students to pay attention because of their coming assessment, throughout this course we test your new knowledge and ensure you are paying attention to the videos and material. Again, like a student, the brain pays more attention when it knows there is a coming test.
Please enjoy the course and come back often to review.
Grant Headifen
Global Director of Education
Collapse Excerpt from the course
Sea talk testimonials
Thanks for your quick reply. I like your approach based on sound theory and emphasis on the practical skills (my approach too in my area of work). Thanks for the link to the article and for the time you take to answer my questions. Be assured that I will recommend NauticEd far and wide (and also to our local sailing school).