Use Messenger Lines to protect Halyards

Use Messenger Lines to protect Halyards
Posted 2016, Apr 13 04:30
Several racers use messenger lines and store the halyards below when not sailing. Not a bad idea for cruisers who use their boats less often...
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Reply 2017, Oct 03 08:43
I'd go one further and say "it should be doubly so for cruisers who use their boats less often (or park them for the off season, whether it be winter or hurricane season: you go to Cuba or Mexico in the off season and you see marinas full of boats with lines slapping around for months on end...). A boat parked for 3 months is an extra season of life after only 3 years, and double that if you are sailing 6 on/6 off. It can't take more than a couple hours to re-run the lines if the messenger lines are run neatly. Now you made me curious how long it would in fact take to re-run the lines and whether or not it's worth doing on a weekly basis (when launching my old trailer sailor I had to put up a mast and standing rigging before going sailing: this can't be that much worse, and if it doubles the life of my lines, that pays for the rum I drink while running the lines [obviously running the lines the night before while drinking]!). Plus with all the lines dumbed in the cabin they can be inspected for snags and abrasion in areas that are usually hidden from view... This is a great idea the more I think about it. Thanks. Anyone see a reason not to (unless you are literally sailing every other day or the 3 hours a week it would take to accomplish this is too precious to you)?
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