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Sail Venice Sailing Adventures

Venice, Florida USA

Rated 5/5 by 3 students
Captain Dove and Tim are experienced sailors who love to sail the Gulf of Mexico We provide the experience you need to complete your online sailing lessons. We tailor your experience aboard to your lessons with NauticEd. Get practical hands on experience aboard a fast and comfortable Hunter 30 to complete your certification. Get practical application of what you have learned, insight about the local area, and real offshore sailing We have no fear, only confidence,

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Dove Barratt

Rated 5/5 by 3 students
  • Level 0 Crew Rank Instructor/Assessor
I know sailing and have the "fire in the belly" to teach others. My First Mate and I sail aboard "Inspiration" a fast Hunter 30 berthed at the Crows Nest Marina in Venice Florida. The sea is ...
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  • Level 0 Crew Rank Intern Instructor/Assessor
Experience is what you get right after you need it, get the experience you need before hand to sail safely and confidently. Common sense hands on sailing is the experience you will get.
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Take online theory sailing courses with NauticEd, then use our skilled in-house sailing instructors to gain practical sailing experience and confidence. Once you pass the courses and practical training, you'll be awarded with a NauticEd Sailing Certification with Verified Practical Competency.

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