SeaTalks about Boat Mechanical Systems

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Posted 2015, Oct 16 12:41
How much diesel is used by a standard engine for a 30 foot boat during an hour at lets say 2500 rpm?
Posted 2016, Nov 06 11:12
The test will ask you which consumes more oxygen, a diesel or gasoline engine. I couldn't find the answer anywhere, and I couldn't verify this with any other source, but the answer it's looking for is that the diesel consumes more oxygen.
Posted 2017, May 21 21:38
I remember from long ago on gas-powered cabin cruisers, it was important to run a fan for 30 seconds before firing up the engine, to remove any fuel fumes. Does that to apply to diesel systems? Has that need for venting been eliminated by technological improves?
Posted 2017, May 21 21:41
Do modern marine diesel engines include any electronic components, like an engine computer, voltage regulator, etc?
Posted 2017, Oct 03 04:47
In Canada, private institutions are not required by law to take your used oil, though many use the old oil to heat their shop in winter and therefore are only too happy to take your oil too (more true the further north you go). If not, public garages (bus depot, fire station etc) will either be equipped to do so, or will have a recycling station very near by (by "near by", I mean like on the far side of their parking lot). No matter what country you are in, dumping in the water is very illegal, can net you stiff fines, even get your boat impounded, so ask your marina where the nearest recycling or disposal facility is at. Oil Absorbent Pads (AKA mechanic's diapers) are magical: they are far more than expensive thick shop towels. If you have some oil in the bilge floating on water, use these: They float on top of the water only absorbing petroleum products without absorbing any water. I don't know what kind of black magic they are made from, but they work, and should be included with every boats engine spares.
Posted 2018, Sep 01 00:28
I like the idea of the siphon but I find that the problem of spillage occurs as I take the siphon out of the tank and try and keep things clean - any suggestions?
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